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SERIOUS SAM II - PC GAME - LINK DIRETO + CRACK Posted: 05 Dec 2008 07:07 PM PST - PC -GAME LINK DIRETO + CRACK Language: English (Inglês) Version: Full Game ( jogos ) (with serial, crack, patch, keys, keygen, chaves) cracked Gamez, no torrent Status: Free for download (livre Gratuito para) Game Info: Game Homepage Type: Ripped and compressed (compactada Arrancaram e) Link Type: " rapidshare [rs], megaupload, direct link (ftp) (direto) " ddl Publisher year 2006, 2007, 2008. + part 1, 2, 3, 4. (Parte) File Type: .zip, .rar .kgb Platform: pc, psp, ps2, xbox360 games Serious Sam 2 is the continuation of the franchise of games in the first person shooting (FPS). v Na campanha singleplayer, você assume o papel do anti-herói Sam "Serious" Stone, em sua luta contra as forças extra-terrestres, sob controle do poderoso Mental. SINGLEPLAYER the campaign, you assume the role of anti-hero Sam "Serious" Stone, in their fight against the forces extra-terrestrial, under control of the powerful Mental. A história do jogo desenvolve-se após os eventos mostrados em Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. The history of the game takes place after the events shown in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. Desta vez Sam viaja através de vários mundos à procura de um medalhão capaz de destruir Mental. This time Sam travels through various worlds in search of a medallion capable of destroying Mental. No modo. In the event. A jogabilidade consiste basicamente em matar centenas de inimigos, utilizando um enorme arsenal, ao longo de 40 níveis, espalhados por 7 mundos diferentes. The gameplay is basically to kill hundreds of enemies, using a huge arsenal over the 40 levels, spread over 7 different worlds. São cerca de 45 tipos diferentes de inimigos. They are about 45 different types of enemies. No modo multiplayer online você encontra opções de jogo cooperativo e deathmatch. In online multiplayer mode you'll find options for cooperative play and Deathmatch. - http://rapidshare.com/files/138700264/Sam2.rar livre jogo download completo (livre Gratuito para) Play online game Source: www.gamebazaar.co.cc NOTE : All Links work when published, If u face any problem reply with comment We Will Try our best to help YOU.. Check all links before Downloading, and Do not Forget to Rate this post. Thanks for visiting.. |
Warriors Orochi - Xbox - DIRECT LINK + CRACK Posted: 05 Dec 2008 07:04 PM PST - Xbox - DIRECT LINK + CRACK Language: English (Inglês) Version: Full Game ( jogos ) (with serial, crack, patch, keys, keygen, chaves) cracked Gamez, no torrent Status: Free for download (livre Gratuito para) Game Info: Game Homepage Type: Ripped and compressed (compactada Arrancaram e) Link Type: " rapidshare [rs], megaupload, direct link (ftp) (direto) " ddl Publisher year 2006, 2007, 2008. + part 1, 2, 3, 4. (Parte) File Type: .zip, .rar .kgb Platform: pc, psp, ps2, xbox360 games Warriors Orochi is a game of action in the best style beat 'em up, with at Ninety Nine Nights, Kingdom Under Fire and Dynasty Warriors. O jogo é uma mistura de dois dos maiores títulos da Koei, Dynasty Warriors 5 e Samurai Warriors 2. The game is a mixture of two of the biggest titles of KOEI, Dynasty Warriors 5 and Samurai Warriors 2. Sem aviso algum o malévolo senhor das serpentes Orochi, desceu dos céus trazendo caos e destruição. Without any warning the evil lord of snakes Orochi, fell from heaven bringing chaos and destruction. Utilizando seus poderes sinistros ele rompeu os limites do espaço e do tempo, sequestrando os guerreiros mais sábios e poderosos da China antiga e do Japão feudal, em um plano para testar seus limites e dominar o mundo. Using his powers claims he broke the limits of space and time, was abducted wise and the most powerful warriors of ancient China and feudal Japan, in a plan to test its limits and dominate the world. A jogabilidade ganha mais aspectos táticos com os sistemas Team Battle System eo Weapon Fusion. The gameplay gets more tactical aspects with the systems Team Battle System and Weapon Fusion. E os fãs de ambas as séries irão se deleitar com os espetaculares 79 personagens disponíveis, que apresenta integrantes tanto de Dynasty Warriors como de Samurai Warriors And fans of both series will delight with the spectacular 79 characters available, which presents both integral to the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors DOWNLOAD http://d.trymedia.com/dd/koei/60m_i_1f/trygames/warriors_orochi_setup.exe - CRACK http://rapidshare.com/files/138457240/OROCHI.rar livre jogo download completo (livre Gratuito para) Play online game Source: www.gamebazaar.co.cc NOTE : All Links work when published, If u face any problem reply with comment We Will Try our best to help YOU.. Check all links before Downloading, and Do not Forget to Rate this post. Thanks for visiting.. |
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