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FILEnetworks Blog

Heads Up : Private trackers that will open signup in December 2008

Posted: 11 Dec 2008 04:48 AM CST

If you are a frequent reader of FILEnetworks Blog, it should be no secret to you that we post private torrent trackers with open signups from time to time. Open signups on such trackers usually last for a limited time (a days or so), and they may be closed before you can create an account. We understand that you cannot monitor this blog 24/7 waiting for trackers to open signups. So here is a little heads up on 3 popular torrent trackers that will be opening up in December 2008.

1. HD-Bits.Ro

Site Name: HD-Bits.Ro (
Signup URL:
Open Signups: HD-Bits.Ro will have open signups from 23rd of December to 26th of December 2008.
Description: HD-Bits.Ro is a HD audio and video tracker. Detailed information about this tracker can be found here.

2. TemplateP2P

Site Name: TEMPLATEP2P (
Signup URL:
Open Signups: TemplateP2P will have open signups from December 18th to December 25th
Description: TemplateP2P is a web design/templates related tracker. Detailed information about this tracker can be found here.

3. ElbitZ.NET

Site Name: ElbitZ.NET (
Signup URL:
Open Signups: Elbitz will have open signups from the 15th of December to 17th of December
Description: Elbitz is an E-Learning tracker. Detailed information about this tracker can be found here.

It's the holiday season and I'm sure lots of other trackers too will open signups during this month. Keep reading FILEnetworks Blog as we will be bringing you frequent updates– hopefully you will be able to get into some rare and useful trackers during the holidays!

ATI releases Catalyst 8.12 display drivers - Download

Posted: 10 Dec 2008 11:56 PM CST

Several days ago we reported that nVIDIA released GTA 4 optimized v180.84 ForceWare. If you were an ATI video card user, here is some good news – ATI have released Catalyst 8.12 drivers. These drivers are supposed to increase performance, fix graphics corruption issues and compatibility issues on number of games including Grand Theft Auto 4.

Although Catalyst 8.12 is supposed to optimize GTA 4 performance, release notes mention nothing of it. I could not test these drivers myself as I do not own an ATI graphics card. Anyways it is highly recommended to to update your drivers to the latest version.

ati catalyst logo


[Click Here] to download Catalyst 8.12 from official page

[Click Here] to to view Catalyst 8.12 release notes

[Click Here] to discuss Catalyst 8.12 on official forums

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Mathematica 7.0 - Modeling, simulation, visualization, development, documentation, and deployment.

Posted: 10 Dec 2008 11:05 PM CST

Here is a nice piece of software which I'm sure students and professionals in scientific, engineering and mathematical fields will find useful. Data and function visualization, visualizing and analyzing graphs, formula manipulation and optimization and report generation are just a few of the functions Mathematica is capable of. As of 11/12/2008, v7.0 is the latest available version of Mathematica.

mathematica 7

Developer Description

If you're doing anything technical, think Mathematica--not just for computation, but for modeling, simulation, visualization, development, documentation, and deployment.

Why Mathematica? Because this one integrated system delivers unprecedented workflow, coherence, reliability, and innovation. Rather than different toolkits for different jobs, Mathematica has been built ground-up over nearly 20 years to deliver one vision: the ultimate technical application and environment.


The following is a summarized feature set obtained from Wikipedia. For a detailed explanation of full capabilities of this software, please visit this page.

  • Libraries of elementary and special mathematical functions
  • 2D and 3D data and function visualization tools
  • Matrix and data manipulation tools including support for sparse arrays
  • Solvers for systems of equations, ODEs, PDEs, DAEs, DDEs and recurrence relations
  • Numeric and symbolic tools for discrete and continuous calculus
  • Multivariate statistics libraries
  • Constrained and unconstrained local and global optimization
  • A programming language supporting procedural, functional and object oriented constructs
  • A toolkit for adding user interfaces to calculations and applications
  • Tools for image processing
  • Tools for visualizing and analysing graphs
  • Data mining tools such as cluster analysis, sequence alignment and pattern matching
  • Libraries of number theory functions
  • Continuous and discrete integral transforms
  • Import and export filters for data, images, video, sound, CAD, GIS, document and biomedical formats
  • A collection of databases of mathematical, scientific, and socio-economic information (see below)
  • Support for complex number, arbitrary precision and symbolic computation for all functions
  • Notebook interface for review and re-use of previous inputs and outputs including graphics and text annotations
  • Technical word processing including formula editing

Read comments for more information.

Ace Torrents signups open – 11/12/2008

Posted: 10 Dec 2008 12:53 PM CST

Ace Torrents is a private torrent tracker which tracks General/0-Day content (Software, movies, games, TV series, E-Books, music, etc). Currently Ace-T tracks over 4000 torrents and has a user base close to 5000. My personal opinion is that this tracker is very underrated – it has good download speeds and excellent pre times.

ace torrents

Site Name: Ace Torrents (

Signup URL:

Description: This tracker has been reviewed in detail before. For screenshots, category details and more information about  Ace Torrents, please refer to this article.

How to unlock Prince of Persia 2008 (PC) bonus content (extra skins)

Posted: 10 Dec 2008 12:31 PM CST

A few hours ago we reported about Prince of Persia (2008) getting leaked to BitTorrent networks. Like Far Cry 2 and Red Alert 3, Prince of Persia too has some bonus content which is supposed to be exclusive to those who preordered the game. So called bonus content in POP basically includes a few sets of extra skins for the prince and Elika. Unlocking some of these skins is very easy, even if you did not pre order the game.

  1. Launch Prince of Persia
  2. Once on the main menu, go to 'Extras' then launch 'Skin Manager'
  3. You will see an option titled 'Pre Order Code' to the bottom of the page. Click that, enter the code 525858542 and press ok. 

This code unlocks Sands of Time classic skin for the prince and Farah – Soft skin for Elika.

POP unlock

Jade (Beyond Good and Evil) skin for Elika can also be unlocked once you beat the game.

In the console version of POP, Altair (Assasin's Creed) skin for the prince and a few others can also be unlocked. However I have not yet managed to find a way to unlock these skins on the PC version of POP. If you figure out a way to do this , feel free to share it with us via a comment.